Law Enforcement Chaplains
We are to love our neighbor as ourselves, and that includes those who protect and serve our communities. A Law Enforcement Chaplain provides an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who put their lives on the line for us every day. It is a way for us to say thank you for your service by doing everything you can to ensure that these brave men and women have the resources they need to have emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy lives.
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What is a Law Enforcement Chaplain?
A minister of presence and counselor
LE Chaplains provide a sacred perspective and spirit in a secular setting. They build relationships in order to be ambassadors for Christ in high-crisis settings. LE Chaplains also navigate the difficult terrain of spiritual and emotional crisis management in a secular environment.

What do Law Enforcement Chaplains do?
A spiritual and emotional paramedic
LE Chaplains respond by helping officers in crisis or with tragedies while on duty. They understand and intentionally invest in LE Culture. They make their time available to humbly and compassionately serve those in crisis and need-in a Christ-like manner. LE Chaplains provide invaluable support to officers by offering resources and engaging proactively in conversations about spiritual and emotional health.

Why be a Law Enforcement Chaplain?
The need is great and the laborers are few
LE Chaplains provide invaluable support for LEO's and their families. Law enforcement is a high-stress job that has severe consequences for an officer's physical, mental, and spiritual health. Current statistics show a higher-than-average percentage of health and emotional issues due to the profession. Exposure to traumatic events has a negative impact on an officer's ability to do their job, and can lead to problems in their personal life.

I'm in...
what's next?
Determine the need at your local agency, get trained
LE Chaplaincy requires availability, visibility, adaptability, and credibility. It is evident that law enforcement needs more crisis trained Chaplains. Connecting with other LE Chaplains and finding the right training will equip you to succeed in your calling. Chaplains benefit from training pertaining to trauma, resiliency, and other factors that can guide LEOs toward a healthier lifestyle. Chaplains also need a support network of thier own to suceed. We provide everything you need to embark on this rewarding journey. Explore our training page, engage in one-on-one coaching, and subscribe to our exclusive member-only area for the latest in law enforcement chaplaincy, training, networking, and more. Your journey to success begins here.